Sunday 31 August 2014

Title: *LOVE IS* - CIR Group Poem

Instructions for Poem participants:-

1. Everyone here at CVF,  is invited to join in this
group poetic writing project.

2. Consider this: What does *LOVE* mean to you?

3. Please add a line of your own to the poem,
starting it with the phrase 'Love is...'

4. Then sign your name in brackets after the line.

5. You can keep returning with more lines,
as you become inspired to add them.

6. You may wish to Copy and Paste, the entire poem
into your post, with your latest contribution
added to the bottom.

7. As this is a joint poem, please feel free to express
yourself creatively. There are no right or wrong
contributions. All are interesting.

8. Use any colour fonts or icons you wish...(or not.)

Below, I've provided the first line,
sport2's over to you poets!!!


CIR Members Group Poem.

Title:*LOVE IS*

Love is...seeing things from the other person's point of view.(Rev.Bola)

Love is...embracing pain, and joy, in adventure of two. (RR)

Love is......All things new.2 Cor.5:17. Dulcinea rose
Love is...a big bear hug from my best friend (Rev.Bola) sport2

Love is...holding a hand that is nearing the end (RR)

Love is...helping a broken heart mend (Rev. Bola)

Love is...seeing potential, buried, hid, (RR)

Love is...that of which the soul cannot be rid (Rev. Bola)

Love is...a language that is universally fit (mojojojo)

Love is...never-ending (mojojojo)

Love is...being angry when a loved one does ...

          .... something harmful to themselves (Teddybear)

Love is...sticking to Faith when the Devil has delved (RR)

Love that your sins have all been shelved (Rev.Bola)

Posted by Rev.Bola
[copyright: 31.Aug.2014] 

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