Wednesday 28 March 2012

Title; 'Wisdom of Elders' - (Wisdom Series)

Title: 'WISDOM_ELDERS/ Oil - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola A.

Ecclesiastes 8:1

'Who is like the wise? 
And who knows the interpretation of a thing?
 A man's wisdom makes his face shine, 
and the hardness of his face is changed.'


Crave for a thing,
You will get it.
Renounce the craving,
The object will 
Follow you by itself.

If you cease 
To pursue
And relinquish it,
You may find
Appropriate solutions,
Just waiting for you 
On the shelf.

Never to be idle
That way,
Your life won't 
Be a riddle.

No person will have
Occasion to complain,
Of the want of time
Who never loses any.

For much abundance
Will remain,
A mere eternity 
Of plenty.

It is wonderful,
How much 
May be done
If we are 
Always doing.

Dig well below,
The surface of
 Your fears,
To find the 
Wonders brewing.

Do not weep;
Do not wax indignant.

Show up;
Cultivate your gifts,
Lend a helping hand.

Do you want to know
Who you are?
Don't ask. Act!

Action will delineate
And define you.
And that's a fact!

Either you 
Run the day
Or the day runs you.
So let each day,
Present itself anew.

Even if you 
Fall on your face
You're still 
Moving forward.
Getting started
Can sometimes seem,
A little awkward.

Expect problems 
And eat them 
For breakfast.
Problems run away,
From those 
Who are steadfast.

Fear cannot be 
Without hope
Nor hope 
Without fear.
Down cannot be 
Without up,
Nor front 
Without its rear.

Follow your dreams,
Work hard,
And persevere.

Have faith,
With positive regard
Keep your 
Mental state clear.

Make sure you eat
A variety of foods.
Being hungry
May feed negativity
To your moods.

Get plenty of exercise
And maintain,
A healthy lifestyle.

Pleasant emotions,
Are precisely, 
What makes life
Feel so worthwhile.
Poetry by Rev.Bola A. (27.3.12)
                                                                 For Ibeji

Proverbs 19:20 

'Listen to advice and accept instruction, 
that you may gain wisdom in the future.'

Title: 'ON BEING A BLESSING' - Wisdom Series

Title: 'A BLESSING' /Acryls - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola A.

I have decided 
To stick with love.
Hate is too great 
A burden to bear. 

I so often get the 
Answers from above,
The moment I turn 
My heart to prayer

The difference between
Stumbling blocks 
And stepping stones
Is how you use them. 

One can be a stale mate
The other a helpful friend,
If you don't abuse them.

Waiting until you FEEL
Like doing something 
May be the most common 
Mistake you make.

Getting real even when 
You can't be bothered,
Is the risk great
Winners take.

Stay positive and look
For the best in people
Optimism can dazzle,
Not unlike a crystal.

Silence and a smile
Are two powerful weapons.
A smile can solve
A host of problems,
A little silence, 
Can avoid many!

But we all know 
How those empty vessels 
Can be loud
And that chatterboxes,
Come two-a-penny!

You are blessed 
To be a blessing,
Everywhere you go.
Far and wide,
Your dedication can touch 
Everyone you know.

Wisdom Poetry for *IBEJI
by Rev.Bola A. (27Mar12 -ARR)

2 Timothy 1:7

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

Title: 'HAS BEEN SAID' - Wisdom Series

Title: 'BEEN SAID' /Past - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola A.

The weak, 
Can never forgive
Why their minds
Remain captive.

Is the attribute 
Of the strong.
It also helps the body
To stay young.

Living long is not,
Our ultimate goal.
Living right is more,
The way of our soul.

Champions adjust, 
They see pressure, 
As a privilege.
Their faith 
And their trust,
Are what 
Help them re-emerge.

Wherever you go..
Go with all 
Your heart.
You won't 
Reach the prize,
Until you get to start.

Discovery is 
When an accident,
Meets with 
The prepared mind. 
It's where 
We hold on to
 The good things
And leave the
Bad behind.

You will command,
The attention of 
The world one day;
If you do 
common things,
In the most 
Uncommon way.

Expect the best, 
Plan for the rest -
Be prepared, 
To be surprised.
For you 
Never know, 
What wonders
Might soon 

Is success
If we can 
Learn from it.
It's how nature, 
Permits that we, 
Loosen up a bit.

Exercise your Spirit
By lifting up another;
Treating someone
As you would
 A brother.

Real wealth 
Isn't tied,
To the strings 
Of a purse. 
But rather 
To the strings,
Of a heart 
That bursts.

It is our attitude
At the beginning
Of a difficult task, 
That determines
If or not
In success 
We will bask.

For life is
 Ten percent what 
Happens to you
And ninety percent,
What you respond too.

If you wouldn’t
 Write it, 
And sign it,
Then don’t,
 Ever say it.

Instead of saying 
You'll regret,
You'd best 

Count to ten, 
And so delay it.
Poetry by Rev.Bola
(copywrong: 24Feb12 -ARR)


Ephesians 4:32 

'Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.'

Title: 'ATTESTATION' - Wisdom Series

Title: 'ATTESTATION' 63 /Impasto - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola A.

Faith is love
Taking the form of aspiration.
While Trust is the witnessing
Of its intended manifestation.

For a gallant spirit
There can never be defeat.
When the battle is tough
The victory is often sweet.

Give light
And people will find the way.
Illumination like the sun
Transforms the night to day.

God always gives His best
To those who leave
The choice with him.
It's hard to pass the test
Without Him on the team.

God sleeps in the minerals,
Awakens in plants,
Walks in animals,
And thinks in man.
Therein lies the magnificence
Of His awesome, divine plan.
by Rev.Bola A. (27Mar1-ARR)
 Poetry for *Ibeji

Wednesday 21 March 2012


Title: 'PROPHECY' 37/C.Pen_Ink - PrayerArt by Rev.Bola A
Far less like
Fortune telling,
or like divination
Requires observation,
Imagination and intuition.

Astrology like
Is an ideology
 Of less apology.
Can be applied
To coincide,
With less
Concerted action.
And be
Used to deny,
Or entertain
Like crystal gazing,
Oracles and soothsaying
Though every bit engaging
Are unequally amazing.

As palmistry,
Implies reading,
Then rendering
Through examination,
By observation.

Each one
Supposedly dependant
On deep reflection
Earnest motivation.
Three brazen
All in
Any combination
To our subconscious
Mind's collaboration.
Poetry by Rev.Bola A.
(Copyright: 22Mar12 -ARR)

Monday 19 March 2012

Title: 'TITHING'

Tithing is not,
An addition of goofy technology
To a Church fund, for teenage
Experiences of personal rage
Against experts on climatology.

Tithing is,
One tenth rhythmic syncopation
Sacrificial as a 2 winged midge
With offerings from Church aisles to bridge
A stringed alternation.

Tithing is not,
A levy of one ode
Or magnetization
To counterfeit legalization
By some immoral toad.

Tithing is,
The funding of Church bait
By a quicksilver apostate
With grounding ramifications
For unimagined capitalizations.

Tithing is not,
A part of some cat
With a chant-like format
And folk-tale personality
Or one tenth only, Spirituality.


Tithe like,
A tenth insight
For a songbird neophyte;

Tithe not,
Like a levy, for the weak
Or the hydrogen peroxide meek.

Tithe like,
An offering signed in ink
So the Church stays in the pink;

Tithe not,
Like funds, for group prayer
Merely tossed, in a collection tray.

Tithe like,
One tenth of, a sacrificial lamb
Sketched out, in lyrical diagram.
Poetry by Rev.Bola Ani-
(copyright: 19Mar12 -AAR)
Title: 'TITHE' 14 /Acryls - Prayer Art by Rev.Bola

For: 'MOTHERS DAY - 2012'