Wednesday 16 July 2014

Title: *The Perilous Heart*

Title:*HEART CENTER* - Spiritual Gift Box from Set Painted by Rev.Bola

*The Perilous Heart*

Waiting alone in the secret alcove
 they had both come to know so well, 
with the rhythmic strumming of 
Pedro’s guitar wafting in from outside, 
Mindy West, Student Nurse, 
thought once more of Edwin,
 the one person left who could help her.
 He was now, according to The Times,
 lost forever in the wilds of the Amazon.
Then came the thud of fists, a muffled cry,
 fighting on the stairway,
 and she somehow knew that her heart
 had been right all along. He was here!
 “All I have is yours, beloved!” he said quietly, 
passion igniting his strong features, 
and as the horror of these last months
 vanished in a blaze of joy, 
she made a mental note to call Mitzi
 later and tell her all about it.
Prose by Rev.Bola

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