Saturday 18 September 2010

I am pure, naked, transparent Source.
I am completely open, completely knowable with nothing hidden
I am seen and heard so clearly, as my light and sound are very bright.
I am powerful, playful and creative
I am creating a game of hide and seek with myself
I am a designer and creative genius
I am creating different wills and identities, like expensive garments to wear, cover and hide myself within
I am creating free choices and free wills, like shoes to choose from, and step out in.

I am choosing, being that which attracts and experiences only good
I am choosing, being that which has only positive, desirable experiences.
I am choosing, being that which views every experience in life as an opportunity to express love.
I am choosing, being that which gives attention only to the positive and good.
I am choosing, being that which draws attention only to the positive.
I am choosing to be that which chooses

I am creating a separate free will, and making it something which can also choose
I am curious of my creation and how far it can reach
I am creating a toy mirror, and witness my self-reflected in it
I am viewing and experiencing my opposite manifestation, as my self-reflection
I am projecting an image of myself with this mirror, that appears equal and opposite.
I am choosing to project, and experience, that which I am not
I am choosing to experience my polar opposite.
I am fascinated by this image I am projecting
I am forgetting my self, while focusing on this reflection
I am forgetting that I am projecting

I am believing that, I am the reflected image of myself in the mirror.
I am believing that, I and my image are the same
I am believing that, I and my reflection are one and the same
I am choosing to deny my true being
I am choosing to oppose my denial
I am denying the reflection
I am judging the reflection, I am criticising the image
I am obsessing with righting the image that I am reflecting
I am hooked on the image
I am attached to the image
I am convinced the image is who I am
I am convinced the image is not who I am
I am resisting my image
I am fed up with my image
I am looking away from my image in disgust

I am distracted from my image for a moment.
I am remembering something...
I am remembering free will
I am remembering I have choice
I am remembering I can choose not to hide from myself
I am remembering I can choose not to use a mirror, by simply looking directly.
I am remembering I can choose how I see myself
I am remembering I can choose just being once again

I am choosing to be that which chooses
I am choosing, to be that which attracts and experiences all good
I am choosing, to be that which has all healthy, desirable experiences.
I am choosing, to be that which views every experience in life as an opportunity to express love.
I am choosing, to be that which gives attention only to the good.
I am choosing, to be that which draws attention only to the good.
I am choosing free will again
I am choosing to release my separate identity and will
I am choosing to surrender my game of hide and seek, that's past its sell by date

I am a wiser, more powerful, more creative designer
I am choosing to shine my light again
I am creating better games to play and more loving adventures
I am completely open, completely knowable, nothing hidden
I am pure, naked, transparent, wiser, more experienced Source.

Copyright  Rev Bola Animashaun - Thursday, 09 October, 2008 - ARR

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